DATAPACKAGE: MACRO-ECONOMIC DRIVERS IN CROSS SCENARIOS V2022-09 (REFERENCE, HIGH AND LOW VARIANTS) =========================================================================== Package Version: 2022-09-30 Geographical scope and resolution =========================================================================== * Scope: Switzerland * Resolution: Country Temporal scope and resolution =========================================================================== * Scope: 2010-2050 * Resolution: 5 years Version history =========================================================================== * 2022-09-30 Not documented Resources =========================================================================== [Package description page]([ZIP Package]( Sources =========================================================================== * [BFS, 2020a. Szenarien zur Bevölkerungsentwicklung der Schweiz und der Kantone 2020-2050. px-x-0104000000_102 (28.05.2020). Bundesamt für Statistik]( * [BFS, 2020b. Szenarien zur Entwicklung der Erwerbsbevölkerung 2020–2050 – Erwerbsquote und Erwerbsbevölkerung nach Staatsangehörigkeit (Kategorie), Jahr, Geschlecht, Beobachtungseinheit, Alter und Szenario-Variante. px-x-0301000000_101 (28.05.2020)]( * [BFS, 2021a. Anzahl Privathaushalte nach dem Szenario AM–00–2020, 2020–2050. su-d- (25.05.2021). Bundesamt für Statistik]( * [BFS, 2021b. Private households by canton and household size, 2010-2020. cc-d- (07.10.2021). Bundesamt für Statistik]( * [BFS, 2022a. Demographic balance by canton, 1971–2021. px-x-0102020000_101 (25.08.2022). Bundesamt für Statistik]( * [BFS, 2022b. Employed persons (domestic concept) total number and in full-time equivalents by gender and nationality, gross and seasonally adjusted values. quarterly and yearly averages (1960–1974, 1975–2022). je-d- (18.08.2022)]( * [BFS, 2022c. Gross domestic product: production approach (1995–2021). je-d- (30.08.2022). Bundesamt für Statistik]( * [SECO, 2022. Szenarien zur BIP-Entwicklung der Schweiz (2022.06.15). Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)]( Field documentation =========================================================================== macrovariables-crossv2022-09.csv---------------------------------------------------------------------------* Year - Type: number - Description: Year* Population_Reference_Million - Type: number - Description: Population in the Reference variant in Million people* Population_High_Million - Type: number - Description: Population in the High variant in Million people* Population_Low_Million - Type: number - Description: Population in the Low variant in Million people* Households_Reference_Million - Type: number - Description: Number of households in the Reference variant in Million people* Households_High_Million - Type: number - Description: Number of households in the High variant in Million people* Households_Low_Million - Type: number - Description: Number of households in the Low variant in Million people* WorkingPopulation_Reference_EquiTotal - Type: number - Description: Working population in the Reference variant in equivalent total* WorkingPopulation_High_EquiTotal - Type: number - Description: Working population in the High variant in equivalent total* WorkingPopulation_Low_EquiTotal - Type: number - Description: Working population in the Low variant in equivalent total* GDP_Reference_BCHF2017 - Type: number - Description: GDP in the Reference variant in Billion CHF 2017* GDP_High_BCHF2017 - Type: number - Description: GDP in the High variant in Billion CHF 2017* GDP_Low_BCHF2017 - Type: number - Description: GDP in the Low variant in Billion CHF 2017 We follow the Data Package standard by the Frictionless Data project, a part of the Open Knowledge Foundation: License and attribution =========================================================================== Data license: [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0]( Attribution: Feedback =========================================================================== Thank you for using data provided by CROSSDat. If you have any question or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. For this data package, contact: Adriana For general issues, find our team contact details on our website: