DATAPACKAGE: NET TRANSFER CAPACITIES =========================================================================== Package Version: 2022-12-13 Geographical scope and resolution =========================================================================== * Scope: Switzerland * Resolution: Borders Temporal scope and resolution =========================================================================== * Scope: 2020-2050 * Resolution: 10 years Version history =========================================================================== * 2022-12-13 Not documented * 2022-09-30 Not documented Resources =========================================================================== [Package description page]([ZIP Package]( Sources =========================================================================== * [ENTSO-E (2022), TYNDP 2022 Scenario Report: Main Report, 2022]( * [ENTSO-E (2022), European Resource Adequacy Assessment, 2022]( Field documentation =========================================================================== net_transfer_capacities.csv---------------------------------------------------------------------------* tyndp_scenario - Type: string - Description: TYNDP Scenario* from - Type: string - Description: Flow orgigination country* to - Type: string - Description: Flow traget country* 2020_MW - Type: number - Description: Net transfer capacity in 2020 in MW* 2030_MW - Type: number - Description: Net transfer capacity in 2030 in MW* 2040_MW - Type: number - Description: Net transfer capacity in 2040 in MW* 2050_MW - Type: number - Description: Net transfer capacity in 2050 in MW* Reference - Type: number - Description: Reference We follow the Data Package standard by the Frictionless Data project, a part of the Open Knowledge Foundation: License and attribution =========================================================================== Data license: [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0]( Attribution: Feedback =========================================================================== Thank you for using data provided by CROSSDat. If you have any question or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. For this data package, contact: Adriana For general issues, find our team contact details on our website: